Choose to be different today – CAC Living Water Devotional

THE LIVING WATER (January-December, 2014)
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
And I said: “Hear now. O heads Af Jacob, and you rulers of the house of Israel is it not for to know justice? (Micah 3:1).
Micah 3:1-4
[1]. And I said: “Hear now, O heads of Jacob, and you rulers of the house of Israel: is it not for you to know justice?
[2]. You who hate good and love evil; who strip the skin from My people, and the flesh from their bones;
[3]. Who also eat the flesh of My people, flay their skin from them, break their bones, and chop them in pieces like meat for the pot, like flesh in the caldron.”
[4]. Then they will cry to the Lord, but He will not hear them; he will even hide His face from them at that time, because they have been evil in their deeds.
Government once convened a panel to investigate some shady transactions in a highly lucrative sector of the country. The results were disappointing because it was discovered that the superiors within the same government were culpable in the “They Are All Involved In It,” the elder statesman who served as the investigation panel’s chairman boldly and emphatically declared during an interview without fear. This is obviously a veiled reference to an open indictment of the ruling class. These are the people from whom Micah, a Senior Advocate of the Masses, really asked the pertinent question: _Is it not for you to know justice?,_ as today commemorates World Day for International Justice.
Corruption as a global killer virus is endemic and a respecter of no tribe, colour, class, status, religion, or faith. But as a Christian, are you also not part of it? We are talking of the embezzlement and siphoning of commonwealths and the entitlement of subordinates and the underprivileged with impunity. It has stopped being a problem, and has become common occurrence. The Church is not even excluded from this. When are we going to be free from this contagious and destructive satanic plague? Must you be named among the corrupt? Shall it not be said of you that “THEY ARE ALL PART OF IT?” You can choose to he different today. God is banking on you!
1. Thank God for His ability to supply all your needs.
2. Pray for forgiveness and cleansing for past misdeeds as regards making ends meet.
3. Pray for CAC Orogun Region, our father in the Lord, the Regional Superintendent, and other officers at the various levels as led by the Spirit of God.
CAC GHB: 194
1. Do you hear the voice of Jesus,
Bid you leave your life of sin?
He has offered free salvation,
If you’ll turn and follow Him
O, come and follow your Saviour,
Comforter gladly receive,
His voice is calling you wanderer,
Tis only to ask and believe.
2. Why not give your heart to Jesus?
He who suffer’d on the tree,
He has said I freely pardon,
Take your cross and follow Me
3. Will come to Thee, dear Jesus,
All my life I’ll give to Thee,
Will always love and serve Thee,
O dear Lord just now take me,
4. Jesus saves me, yes, He saves me,
As He promised He would do,
All the load of sin is lifted;
Come and He will save you too.
Proverbs 10, 11, 12
CAC Worldwide
Remain blessed