How to live by Pastor Paul Enenche - Gospel Affairs

How to live by Pastor Paul Enenche

Seeds of Destiny

DUNAMIS CHURCH Daily Devotional

By Pastor Dr. Paul Enenche

MONDAY JUNE 17, 2024


SCRIPTURE: Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. JAMES 4:14.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: To maximize your life, you must live on the edge by living with a sense of urgency.

Someone once asked John Wesley, the founder of Methodist Church, the question: “If you have just 24 hours left on earth to live, what would you do with your life?”
He answered the person, “I will continue doing exactly what I am doing now.  There is nothing I would have loved to do that I am not doing currently.  I am living my life, exactly the way I should live it.”
Beloved, that was a life lived with zero regrets, a life lived with impact. To maximize your life, you must live on the edge by living with a sense of urgency. This is how to live.
To live well, you must live with a clear understanding of your priorities.  Know what to put in front of you and know what to put behind you. Don’t bother yourself with what does not matter. Don’t spend your life making enemies.
Your life is too precious to be wasted. You must not wait till the end of your life, when a major portion of your life has been wasted, before adjusting your life in line with God’s Purpose.
There are many people who have wasted their lives on frivolities only to discover the essence of life when they had no time left. They painfully wished they could have their lifetime reversed, but that is impossible. Don’t be like them.
Beloved, don’t wait to discover God’s purpose for your life when you are old and your time is gone. Someone who is interested in joining the national football team of his country at the age of 55 is interested too late. Someone who wants to be enlisted into the army of his country at the age of 60 is interested too late.
Beloved, make up your mind to live well, and endeavor to do so on time.
Remember this: To maximize your life, you must live on the edge by living with a sense of urgency.

1. Make up your mind to live impactfully on earth by living with a sense of urgency.
2. Don’t waste your time and life on frivolities.
3. Make up your mind to redeem lost time and wasted years.

PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You restore to me the years I have wasted pursuing my personal agenda. I receive the grace to know and pursue Your purpose for my life, Lord in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: We must live with the consciousness that we are not just living for ourselves; we are living representatives of a Kingdom, and as such, we should impact as many as we come across. That is the pathway to finding real fulfillment in life. Culled from the book, “21 Foolish Things People Do” by Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING:  Psalm 118-120.

AMAZING FACT: Sunspots” are cooler regions on the sun’s surface that look darker than the surrounding areas. These sunspots can be larger than the Earth!

Receive grace to live an impactful life now in Jesus’ Name.

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