The Ministry of God’s Word by Apostle Segun Obadje

The Leverage Devotional by Apostle Segun Obadje, Ph.D
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
The Ministry of God’s Word
Act 20:32; Matthew 4:4
Acts 20:32 “And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.”
Ministry is attending to the needs of others in the name of the Lord. The ministry of God’s Word, therefore, is attending to the needs and necessities of God’s precious people by the teaching and preaching of God’s Word. It is interesting to know that God’s Word covers every area of our lives. There is no need or want in the world that does not have its provision in God’s Word. God’s Word is all-encompassing of every provision necessary for life and godliness, whether they are spiritual, emotional, psychological, financial, academic, or family. God’s Word is the building block of our lives. The understanding of God’s Word is vital to enjoying the ministry of the Word.
It is imperative that you know what the Word is capable of, so you can position yourself to receive all that the Word has to offer. First, God’s Word is God speaking to you. God and His Word are one (John 1:1). God’s Word is not a concept; it is God revealing Himself to you. In essence, when God’s Word comes to you, it is God reaching out to you. Be conscious of the fact that God’s Word is God speaking to you. Therefore, receive God’s Word as God speaking to you, not as a preacher trying to tell you something. The Bible is not a book of history though it contains historical events; it is God speaking to you; it is God’s Word for the now as it concerns every aspect of your life. Every time God’s Word comes to you, receive it as God’s answer and provision for all the questions and needs confronting you. Second, God’s Word is your food for life and sustenance (Matthew 4:4). The believer is sustained by the Word of God. The same way the body is continually sustained by natural food, so does the Word sustain our spirits.
Further Meditation: Psalm 119:105; Colossians 3:16
Father, I thank You for the ministry of Your Word, building me up and making me wise unto the full experience of salvation. I receive grace in the Name of Jesus to be faithful and fruitful in the hearing and doing of Your Word. AMEN
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